
Monday, February 13, 2012


By Bob Kuhn

It is getting to be that time to roll out your cars and get ready for another year of racing. After a couple of discussions with Agassiz, us sportsman drivers have been given the green light to proceed to the next step in reviving our sportsman class there. They would like all who race Sportsman at Agassiz to have an input on our class. We are having a meeting with all those who are interested this  Wednesday night at 7:00pm White Spot in Aldergrove.
 Agassiz would like to hear from all of us on what might be keeping us away from the track. We want to rebuild this class and we will with your support. Please email your thoughts and if you can't make this meeting and we will discuss your concerns or ideas on your behalf.
 Listed below are a few of the things that we will be discussing.
      1. Race format ( lap #,  heat races, qualifying, special events)
      2. Points Fund spread out through the field- looking for interested business to 
          support one or more races?
      3. Tire consumption rule 
      4. weight breaks for older chassie styles?
      5. bringing the fun back into racing ???????
      6. etc..........