
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

BC Late Model Drivers Challenge

By Public Relations

In difficult economic times, come creative new exciting ideas.  Three BC tracks, Penticton Speedway, Saratoga Speedway and Western Speedway have come together to try and make Late Model racing more affordable.  Gone are the days of the purse being all at the top! In today’s economic time’s promoters have to be concerned with all competitors from top to bottom, and  make sure everyone is taken care of.  With that reason in mind the BC Late Model Drivers Challenge has been formed.

The inaugural season will see four races between the three tracks. The series will kick off with a 150 lap event at Saratoga Speedway on July 14, followed by the Gordie Mannes Memorial on August 4th and 5th at Penticton Speedway.  The series will end with the running of the Reg Midgley Canada 200 on August 24th and 25th at Western Speedway.

In order to create and promote more interest and participation in Late Models, officials for all three tracks have decided on a equal payout system with a bonus plan. At the two day events cars in the top 20 will all receive $500, with the top three in total points receiving a extra $1000 for first, $600 for second and $400 for third.  A single day event will see a $400 minimum, with a extra $500 for first, $300 for second and $200 for third.

The overall event winner will be determined by the driver accumulating the highest number of points in qualifying, heats, and mains for the two days.  The overall winner of the one day event will be determined by the driver accumulating the highest number of points in qualifying, heats and main event.

There will be no membership fees, but there will be an entry fee for each event. The entry fee will be $50 per event if received at least one week prior to race day. If within one week the entry fee will increase to $100. These pre-registrations will be compiled into an entry list that will allow the Series Promoters to, send out pre-press releases detailing the drivers attending, and effectively advertise the race weekend. 

The rules for the series will see a standard set of Late Model rules allowing all cars to compete on a level playing field.   The rules package for the series will be announced shortly. A tire rule will be in place that will see a maximum of four tires for both, one and two day events.  The series tire will be the 8 inch Hoosier 970.

For more information please e-mail: